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Protection of marine environments

Co-founded in 2012 by Martin Colognoli, Coral Guardian is a French international solidarity association which works for the conservation of coral ecosystems and the communities that depend on them.


Coral Guardian's mission is to involve local communities through the restoration, protection and enhancement of the coral ecosystem, locally degraded by human pressures. In addition, their valorization allows the creation of alternative, complementary and sustainable sources of income.



Coral Guardian restores damaged coral reefs through coral fragmentation and regular scientific monitoring. Reef rehabilitation is not an end but a means. It allows the involvement of local fishermen populations by virtue of a better understanding of the functioning of their natural environment in order to better protect it. Aware of the impossibility of going back, we must deal with current reality in order to develop its potential.


Coral restoration is also an awareness tool. Through this tool, Coral Guardian raises awareness in local communities by promoting the use of sustainable fishing methods and, internationally, through its “Adopt a Coral” program, its awareness kit and various events.


Coral Guardian studies scientific data related to its different restoration areas, particularly on the adaptation of corals to global warming, and its team is constantly innovating to improve techniques to maximize the growth rate of transplanted corals and the return of the biodiversity.

un récif corallien avant et après restauration
BEFORE AFTER 3 ©Martin Colognoli - Coral Guardian .jpg
BEFORE AFTER 1 ©Martin Colognoli - Coral Guardian .jpg
BEFORE AFTER 2 ©Martin Colognoli - Coral Guardian.jpg


The requests addressed to the association come from several regions of the world and arise from the same observation: How to combine environmental and social issues within the same project?


To meet these needs, we have chosen to create theoretical and practical training, the “Blue Center”.


With the Blue Center, the participatory approach is strengthened: local communities trained in coral farming become, in turn, trainers.


Their experience is thus valued and benefits populations seeking means of action. The Blue Center will then make it possible to develop a network and a movement of actors committed to the protection of coral reefs.

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