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Coral Reef Conservation Masterclass: Register Now

Coral reefs, true treasures of marine biodiversity, are today threatened by climate change, pollution and overfishing. Although these ecosystems cover less than 0.1% of the ocean surface, they are home to a quarter of marine species. Their protection is crucial for the balance of our planet. This is why our masterclass on coral reef preservation offers you the opportunity to learn more about these unique ecosystems and the concrete actions that everyone can take to protect them. Join us now!

1. Understand the essential role of coral reefs

Coral reefs play a central role in the health of the oceans. They provide habitat for many marine species, from fish to crustaceans to mollusks. In addition to their importance for biodiversity, these reefs also protect coastlines from storms and erosion by absorbing wave energy. They are also a source of income for millions of people through fishing and tourism.

Our masterclass begins with a detailed introduction to the structure and functioning of coral reefs, as well as their role in the marine ecosystem. You will discover how these complex formations develop and interact with other elements of the marine environment.

2. Identify the main threats to coral reefs

Coral reefs face multiple threats. Climate change is one of the main causes of degradation. Warming oceans are causing coral bleaching, a process in which corals expel their symbiotic algae, which significantly weakens them. Marine pollution, including plastics and chemicals, as well as overfishing and destructive fishing, are also contributing to their decline.

In our masterclass, we will take an in-depth look at these threats. You will learn how they impact reefs, and we will present case studies that illustrate the direct consequences on marine biodiversity.

3. Discover solutions for the preservation of coral reefs

Fortunately, there are solutions to preserve these fragile ecosystems. Among them, the creation of marine protected areas is one of the most effective. These areas help limit the human impact on the reefs, by regulating fishing and reducing pollution. Other initiatives, such as reef restoration through "coral gardening", are also being developed.

In our masterclass, you will discover innovative projects that have already helped restore damaged coral reefs. We will also provide you with practical tools to get involved in these conservation efforts, whether through local actions or by supporting international initiatives.

4. Acting together to protect coral reefs

Protecting coral reefs requires everyone to get involved. Everyone can play a role in preserving these ecosystems, whether by reducing their carbon footprint, supporting conservation organizations, or participating in restoration projects. By registering for our masterclass, you will have the opportunity to become an agent of change. You will receive practical advice and resources to participate in reef protection, and you will be better informed about concrete actions to take.


Coral reef conservation is a global challenge that concerns us all. By participating in our masterclass, you will learn everything you need to know about coral reefs and how to protect them. Don't wait any longer, register now to be part of those who are taking action for a better future for our oceans.

Scientific references

  • Hughes, TP, et al. (2018). Coral reefs in the Anthropocene . Nature, 546(7656), 82-90.

  • Hoegh-Guldberg, O., et al. (2017). Coral reef ecosystems under climate change and ocean acidification . Frontiers in Marine Science, 4, 158.

  • Pandolfi, JM, et al. (2011). Projecting coral reef futures under global warming and ocean acidification . Science, 333(6041), 418-422.

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